6 Results found for "blink oneself".


with (antonym(s) of “to feel the absence of”): have, feature blink-and-you'll-miss-it blink-and-you-miss-it hit-and-miss hit-or-miss hit-or-miss transform...


programme. 2015, Harper Lin, Pawsitively Dead: A Wonder Cats Mystery: I blinked. “I thought you were talking to Blake about a dog.” “Cath,” Jake said,...


(“glimpse”) aveuglier (“to blind”) aveugl'ye (“blind”) blyîntchi, clyinn'ter (“to blink”) clyîn (dg'yi) (“wink”) clyinn'téthie (“blinking”) connaître dé veue (“to...


Hästen klippte med öronen The horse was flicking its ears klippa med ögonen blink repeatedly (idiomatic) to mow (a lawn), to trim (a hedge), or the like (with...


don't tout your bingo muns in spite of the darkmans. Egad, you carry a bene blink aloft. Come to the ken alone—no! my blowen; did not I tell you I should...


Jewels, Gold, Silver, &c., to betoken Women, &c. Gold is called "The Sea's Blink (Blik)", and so on, and a female is "Gold's Mistress", "The Goddess of the...